Atlantic Switches To Renewable Diesel at KLAX
Atlantic Aviation has fully replaced conventional fossil-based diesel fuel with renewable diesel at its Los Angeles International Airport FBO.
Renewable diesel will now power not only Atlantic Aviation's ground equipment at KLAX, but its customers equipment as well. (Photo: Atlantic Aviation)

Atlantic Aviation has fully replaced conventional fossil-based diesel fuel with renewable diesel at its Los Angeles International Airport (KLAX) FBO as part of the Texas-based company’s commitment to increasing sustainability in the aviation industry through its environmental, social, and corporate governance program. In addition to fueling its own ground service vehicles such as refuellers, Atlantic also provides diesel for many other equipment operators on the field and accounts for approximately 450,000 gallons a year.

First delivered to the Atlantic location on April 9 and offered for sale and use the same day, the sustainable fuel supplied by Pinnacle Petroleum is derived from fats, vegetable oils, and used cooking oil. According to Atlantic, it can be used interchangeably with standard diesel fuel.

“The change will reduce carbon emissions on the airport by over eight million pounds annually—the equivalent of that produced by approximately 795 automobiles,” said Atlantic Aviation senior v-p Steve Hirschfeld.

Last month, Atlantic announced the start of permanent supplies of sustainable aviation fuel at its KLAX facility.