Russian business aviation fleet set to grow in years to come
Russian business aviation fleet set to grow in years to come

The demand for business jets in Russia is steadily growing due to a significant increase of the number of rich in the country in 2020 as well as some serious tax benefits to the business aviation sector, which were provided by the national government last year.

The pandemic and associated with this economic turmoil in Russia  has led to an increase of the number rich in the country (with a significant reduction of middle-class, which turned to poor) and contributed to the growth of the demand for business jets in the local market.

As Evgeny Okladnikov, the founder of SKYPRO, one of Russia’s largest air alliances in the field of civil and business aviation told in an interview with Russia Forbes magazine, the growth of business aviation fleet in Russia last year which became also due to lifting of VAT on the imports of business jets to the local market.

According to his data, in 2020 the number of deals in the market grew by almost two times than in 2019.  The increase of imports of business jets to the country was also due to the appearance of new airlines, providing services in the field of business aviation (such as Sky Light) in the local market and service centers, such as SKYPRO TECHNICS in Dobrograd (Vladimir region), operating in the same niche.