Collins Actuation Systems Joins AS2 Design Team
Collins Aerospace will design and develop the flight control actuation systems for Aerion Supersonic's AS2 Mach 1.4 jet.
More pieces of Aerion Supersonic's AS2 are coming together with the selection of Collins Aerospace to develop the business jet's flight actuation controls. (Photo: Aerion Supersonic)

Aerion Supersonic has selected Collins Aerospace to design the flight control actuation system for its AS2 supersonic business jet. Collins Aerospace's Actuation Systems centers in Wolverhampton, UK, and Vernon, France, will design and develop the systems for the AS2's leading edge, elevons, horizontal stabilizer, and rudder.

“The very nature of supersonic travel presents some unique challenges when it comes to designing reliable and precise systems to guide the aircraft—and we are eager to address them head-on as a part of the Aerion team,” said Ed Dryden, v-p of Actuation Systems for Collins Aerospace. “Collins Aerospace has a long history in advancing complex actuation systems for both commercial and military platforms, and we look forward to continuing this legacy with the AS2.”

Collins Aerospace joins a supplier team for the AS2 that includes GE Aviation, Honeywell, Safran, GKN Aerospace, Aernnova, and Potez Aeronautique. In addition, Boeing and Spirit AeroSystems have collaborated on the program. Aerion anticipates beginning production in 2023, with first flight in 2025 and entry-into-service in the 2027 timeframe. The company expects to manufacture 300 of the Mach 1.4 business jet in the first decade of production.

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