The 31st Annual International Women in Aviation Conference formally kicked off yesterday afternoon beginning a new chapter for the organization and its hallmark event. Allison McKay cut the ribbon to open the annual event—which is being held this week in Orlando, Florida—for the first time as WAI CEO. McKay, the former v-p of the Helicopter Association International Foundation, became only the second CEO in the organization’s more than 25 years after its founder, Peggy Chabrian, retired recently.
“This was a very emotional day, because of the welcoming response of the members,” McKay told AIN after a first conference day packed with meetings and events. She opened a conference that had well over 4,000 registrants in the days leading up to the event and more than 180 companies representing the spectrum of aviation companies, from government agencies such as the NOAA Aviation Weather Center to major airlines such as Southwest Airlines to business aviation companies such as XOJet. Corporate flight departments, public operators, government agencies, airlines, charters, enthusiast organizations, universities, manufacturers, and repair stations were among the organizations that filled the sold-out exhibit hall. Space was such in demand, a WAI representative noted, that cancelations would immediately fill up with another organization waiting in the wings.
With a looming workforce shortage, WAI takes center stage as the thousands of students and young professionals arrived to look for guidance in the next stages of their careers. The conference not only included many companies looking to hire but also sessions such as networking for students and minute mentoring to help cater to the would-be and young professionals. Scholarships remain a key part of the organization and already nearly $200,000 had been awarded by late Thursday afternoon. That number is expected to grow to more than $800,000 by the end of the conference.
In her message to members, McKay stressed that she planned to continue that focus on initiatives designed to inspire and educate the current and future workforce. “The demographics are on our side,” she said. “The pilot and maintenance shortage—and the dedication, courage, and professionalism of generations of woman pioneers before us—mean that those earlier barriers women faced in aviation are falling by the wayside.”
As important as the event is for hiring, Michelle Bauman, chief human resources officer for XOJet Aviation, said it also has served as an important venue for mentoring to help guide and foster the next generation. But XOJet Aviation—which has plans to add 10 aircraft this year to its fleet and is shifting its operations from Sacramento, California, to Fort Lauderdale, Florida—also is looking for potential hires at the event for roles across the company.
The conference includes numerous sessions designed to appeal to a range of interests, from managing cockpit automation, to general aviation accident investigation, history of the WASP, and women in combat operations.
And while she has retired, Chabrian is attending the conference and today received the National Aeronautic Association 2020 Cliff Henderson Trophy.