Harrods Aviation Boosts Hangarage at London Luton
The FBO has signed a temporary deal on a vacant hangar which will increase its available aircraft shelter by more than a third.

Based on increasing demand from its customers, Harrod’s Aviation has boosted the winter aircraft shelter capacity at its London Luton facility, through a temporary lease on Hangar 60, which formerly housed the now-defunct Monarch Engineering. The 33,000-sq-ft heated structure with direct access to the apron can house aircraft up to an Airbus ACJ and will bring the facility up to nearly 100,000 sq ft of hangar space. According to the company, the addition will allow it to handle more aircraft by freeing up operational ramp space.

“We have a short-term hangar parking solution for our customers who wish to park their aircraft at one of London’s busiest and most convenient business airports,” said Kerry Besgrove, Harrod’s operation director. “We are wholly committed to meeting our customers’ needs, and with the UK winter well on its way, the timing of this new hangar space couldn’t be better.”

The initial contract on the hangar is for six months, which will run through the busy spring and summer months. Depending on circumstances, the lease could be extended.