Stellar, Collins Chart Progress on Next-gen Flight Ops
Stellar and Collins roll out flight planning tool, prepare for launch of scheduling tool.

Parts of a next-generation flight planning and scheduling system under development between Stellar Labs and Collins Aerospace are being showcased by the companies this week at the NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference in San Antonio, Texas. The suite of integrated, cloud-based applications will be the successor to Collins ArincDirect flight operations system (FOS).

Development thus far has yielded a trip-planning tool that is available now and a scheduling tool that will be available midyear. “The new trip planning and scheduling modules are realizing Stellar’s vision of a radically more efficient business aviation industry,” said Stellar CEO David Fox.

The trip-planning module is accessed through a web-based portal and allows users to see estimated flight times and scheduled flights as well as details on itinerary, passengers, and services. It’s available to operators who use FOS in the Stellar Cloud.

A new scheduling module that will be beta-tested in March will give flight schedulers a continuous, real-time overview of their operation, including quick verification of flight plans that have passed all feasibility checks. “The rich functionality of ArincDirect FOS and Stellar’s cloud-based platform together will transform business aviation operations with a much more streamlined and intuitive platform,” said David Poltorak, Collins v-p of business and government aviation services.