WestAir First To Offer PC-24 for Charter in U.S.
WestAir is managing the Pilatus jet but has deep experience operating PC-12 turboprops as well as serving as an OEM dealer, service center.
WestAir will offer charter flights on this Pilatus PC-24 that's in its aircraft management program. (Photo by WestAir)

Western Aircraft has added a Pilatus PC-24 to the Part 135 certificate of its WestAir division, which makes it the first in the U.S. to offer the Swiss-built business jet for charter, the company said today. “This aircraft has superior speed, range, and runway performance,” according to Phil Winters, Western Aircraft's v-p of aircraft sales and charter management. “It is also the first business jet in the world that has a standard pallet-sized cargo door, making the loading of even the bulkiest of items, such as a kayak, easy. It’s a true benefit for our charter customers.”

The Boise, Idaho-based FBO and MRO provider said the PC-24 is in WestAir’s aircraft management program. Western Aircraft noted WestAir’s experience operating Pilatus’ legacy and NG PC-12 turboprops, as well as its role as a Pilatus dealer and authorized service center.

WestAir has aircraft based in California, Idaho, and Washington, and provides service to more than 5,000 airports in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.