Aerion To Be Featured at Lindbergh Innovation Forum
The Lindbergh forum will be held at the 2019 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Science and Technology Forum and Expo.

Supersonic business jet developer Aerion will be among the companies represented at a forum on advances in aviation and aerospace. The Lindbergh Innovation Forum will be held January 9 during the 2019 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Science and Technology Forum and Exposition in San Diego.

“The Lindbergh Innovation Forum is a platform to showcase innovation in aviation, from a name that is synonymous with aviation transformation,” Lindbergh Foundation executive director Arvind Iyer said.

Joining Aerion senior v-p of aircraft development Mike Hinderberger will be representatives from NASA, AirMap, Ampaire, and GoFly. Topics will include innovation in commercial supersonic flight, unmanned air traffic management, high-performance electric aircraft, and personal flying devices. Erik Lindbergh, president of VerdeGo Aero and Charles Lindbergh’s grandson, will moderate the two-hour forum at the Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel.

The event will be live streamed and archived at