Modern flight technology not only makes flying safer, it also saves money, and Universal Avionics is here at the EBACE show with a payback calculator to show operators precisely how much they can save. The “LPV Payback Calculator” is on display at the company booth and can precisely show the cost benefit to retrofitting an aircraft with a satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS). Compared with legacy avionics, SBAS enables localizer Performance and Vertical guidance (LPV) approaches.
Robert Clare, Universal director of sales said, “LPV capability for both rotorcraft and fixed-wing aircraft is one of the future navigation concepts that is fully embraced by Europe’s SESAR [Single European Sky Air traffic management Research]. Universal’s SBAS-flight management systems support LPV approaches enabled by the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service – or EGNOS -- which offers significant benefits over conventional non-precision approaches.”
For runways previously served only by non-precision approaches (or no approach at all), LPV capability provides precision guidance comparable to that of a ground-based instrument landing system – typically with approach minimums of 200-foot ceilings and a half-mile of visibility. Non-precision approaches (NPAs), based on ground-based navigation beacons, typically have approach minimums of no lower than 400 feet, sometimes as high as 1,000 feet or more.
Also, LPVs can be commissioned for runway ends that are unable to support the complex and costly equipment required for the precise instrument landing system (ILS), with its localizer and glideslope transmitters. Sometimes it’s because of terrain interference that ILS equipment cannot work for a particular runway end – or installing one or multiple ILSs at a smaller airport might just be cost prohibitive. In essence, more precise satellite navigation replaces the requirement for all ground-based equipment, and at little or no cost to the airport.
Clare added, “In addition to the return on investment benefits, LPV approaches greatly increase both operational safety and airport/runway accessibility, while also reducing pilot workload.” That also means that operators who add SBAS avionics can then access airports that are closer to their final destination, saving time and expense for ground transportation.
Universal offers four models of SBAS-capable flight management systems (FMS). Clare encourages EBACE attendees to visit the company (Booth Y66) for details on which suite is appropriate for their aircraft. In addition, the LPV Payback Calculator can provide customized details on the cost-effectiveness of each system for any operator, based on their mission profile, base of operation and other factors.
Furthermore, government financial assistance is available to help operators re-equip. Ross Dickey, Universal’s airline and government sales manager, is here at the company’s display booth to help operators apply for funds under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) toward equipping for EGNOS/SBAS-based operations. Up to [euros] 8 million are budgeted to help operators equip their aircraft. Grant money is available for regional, commercial, business (corporate), general fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft.
According to Universal, the application process involves: identifying relevance; reviewing documentation and preparing an application; contacting a participating financial institution; and submitting the application. The first of two deadlines for submission is July 14, 2017. There is a second deadline of November 30, 2017. The results of the decisions will be announced early next year. According to Universal, eligibility is limited only to “member European states and international organizations, joint undertakings, public or private undertakings; or bodies established in an EU Member State.”