International standards-setting organization ASTM International has released a new guide to assess competencies of aircraft electronics technicians. The standard, designed to help certify the technicians, is the first released by ATSM’s relatively young committee on aerospace personnel. With an eye on a need for skilled technicians, the committee formed in 2015 to design widely accepted competency standards.
The Guide for Aircraft Electronics Technician Personal Certification, F3245-17, covers the evaluation of subject knowledge, task knowledge and task performance in aircraft electricity, electronics, wiring, safety practices, tools and test equipment, among others.
“This guide is the starting point for maintenance organizations, manufacturers, airlines, training providers, educational institutions and others involved in certifying or hiring skilled technicians who maintain aircraft and their electrical and electronic systems,” said ASTM member Mike Adamson, the Aircraft Electronics Association's vice president for member programs and education. “This industry consensus standard is the first of many that will support a more uniform approach to training and education in a field where demand for high-tech talent is growing.”
The committee also plans to address standards for skilled professionals in the areas of airframe and systems, compliance documentation, equipment and furnishings, powerplants, core competencies, soft skills, configuring and troubleshooting IT networks and satellite communications systems, onboard communication and safety systems and avionics. It is next set to meet June 26 and 27 in Boston.