Baker Offers Trade-in Credit on New Fire Containment Bag
Part 135 and Part 91 customers will recieve a $200 discount towards the purchase of a new Hot-Stop L Evo bag when they turn in a competitor's bag.
The newest Hot-Stop L Evo fire-containment bags contain an airtight zipper the company says does not allow any smoke or toxins to escape.

A recent FAA Fire & Cabin Safety Research Conference in Atlantic City, New Jersey, highlighted the threat of toxic smoke emitted by burning portable electronic devices, ignited by thermal runaway of their lithium-ion batteries. In recognition of this hazard, Texas-based Baker Aviation, the distributor of the Hot-Stop L line of onboard portable electronic device fire containment kits, is offering a $200 trade-in discount for any other brand of fire-containment bag, good toward the purchase of a new airtight Hot-Stop L Evo kit.

ā€œWe know how serious the threat of smoke is in an aircraft, especially in the cockpit; therefore, in light of this recent research, we are no longer manufacturing our legacy bag with nominal escape of smoke,ā€ said Baker president and CEO Ray Goyco Jr. The $200 discount applies to any Part 91 or Part 135 operator. ā€œThe new Hot-Stop L Evo with the latest zipper technology is airtight and does not allow any smoke or toxins to escape once the device is properly sealed in the bag.ā€

For those who already own a legacy Hot-Stop bag, the company is offering a retrofit option, which will incorporate the new airtight zipper.