AIN Blog: 2015 Was A Year of Progress for Helicopter Technology
Despite a softening commercial market, airframers do not appear to have scaled back their investment in technology.
Airbus Helicopters also unveiled the first artist rendering of the long-awaited X6, a new helicopter in the heavy category. The X6 will eventually replace the H225 Super Puma and will have fly-by-wire controls.
Airbus Helicopters also unveiled the first artist rendering of the long-awaited X6, a new helicopter in the heavy category. The X6 will eventually replace the H225 Super Puma and will have fly-by-wire controls.
Thierry Dubois
About the author

Thierry Dubois is a freelance writer specializing in helicopters, business aviation and aerospace technology. He earned a degree in fluid dynamics from an engineering school in Toulouse, France in the mid-1990s. At an unexpected crossroads, he found his first job in journalism. In 1997, he started working for French aerospace weekly Air & Cosmos in Paris. This lasted until 2000, when he moved south to Lyons. He then became a freelancer, working for various aerospace publications and has been part of the AIN team since late 2000. In addition to writing about business aviation, Thierry shares responsibility for the rotorcraft section. He also is a regular on-site writer for AIN’s daily editions at international airshows such as the Paris, Farnborough, Dubai and Singapore shows, as well as at EBACE in Geneva.

In 2007, he won the Honeywell award for “Best systems or technology submission” at the Aerospace journalist of the year awards. In 2013, he won an Aerospace Media Award for the "Best Safety, Training & Simulation Submission."

In other activities, Thierry moderates international conferences on aviation technology topics. Thierry is married and has three children, who seem to begin enjoying the mountains–as their parents do.

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