Avionica Unveils 4G QAR Data Delivery Module
The new 4G module will be STC approved for installation on 250 aircraft types, including all business jets and turboprops.
Avionica's 4G cellular module offers data delivery speeds six times higher than the earlier 3G model.

Avionica’s new 4G cellular module helps speed delivery of flight safety data captured by the company's quick access recorders (QARs). The new 4G avCM is compatible with Avionica’s miniQAR MKIII and avSync flight data analysis software, according to president and CEO Raul Segredo, and delivers data up to six times faster than the 3G module.

The 4G module includes an integrated internal cellular antenna and Ethernet-type ground-support interface, all in a housing coated with a scratch-resistant black anodized surface. Avionica expects to receive FAA certification of the 4G avCM in the third quarter, and it will be installable under an approved model list STC for 250 aircraft types.

Avionica also announced that its satLink Max Iridium satcom has received FAA approval for installation on Boeing’s BBJ and 737-400 through -900 models. The satLink Max enables compliance with Future Air Navigation System requirements and provides two flight deck voice channels, one FANS-over-Iridium datalink channel and one voice- and data-capable cabin service channel, according to Avionica.