B. Coleman MRO-PBI Wins DGAC OK for Maintenance
The approval allows the company to provide maintenance services for Mexico-registered aircraft.

West Palm Beach, Fla.-based B. Coleman MRO-PBI has been endorsed by the Mexican Civil Aviation Authority (DGAC) as an approved aircraft maintenance organization. The MRO holds an FAA repair station certificate that covers most business jet makes and models including Globals, Gulfstreams, Challengers, Falcons, Hawkers, Citations, Beechjets and the Nextant 400 series

“We receive daily requests from operators of Mexico-registered aircraft; these requests have driven us to satisfy that need and we secured the DGAC endorsement, said James Stedman, director of technical services.

B. Coleman MRO-PBI is located on Palm Beach International Airport and specializes in airframe and engine maintenance, avionics repair and installation, interior refurbishment and parts procurement.