SubSonex Jet To Make Worldwide Debut at SNF 2015
Personal jet will take part in the afternoon aerial display on the opening and closing days of the show
Sonex Aircraft’s SubSonex JSX-2 kitbuilt jet will make its worldwide debut this week at the Sun ’n Fun Fly-In in Lakeland, Fla., where it will also take part in the afternoon aerial displays on Tuesday and Sunday. Flown by renowned performer Bob Carlton, the full-length routine in the stock JSX-2 will feature “maneuvers previously unheard of in a jet aerobatic routine,” according to Sonex. (Photo: Mike Shore/Vertigo Airshows)

Sonex Aircraft’s SubSonex JSX-2 kitbuilt jet will make its worldwide debut this week at the Sun ’n’ Fun Fly-In in Lakeland, Fla. The personal jet will also take part in the afternoon aerial display on the opening and closing days of the show—tomorrow and Sunday.

Flown by renowned performer Bob Carlton, the full-length routine in the stock JSX-2 will feature “maneuvers previously unheard of in a jet aerobatic routine,” according to Sonex. “The SubSonex microjet is capable of speeds of 300 mph,” said Carlton, “and can perform all the classic aerobatics, including maneuvers like tailslides, normally considered taboo in a jet. And with its incredibly wide speed range, the SubSonex can turn tight and stay close so that airshow spectators aren’t waiting for a turnaround.”

Show attendees will also be able to get a close-up look at the JSX-2 at Sonex’s exhibit (Booth NE-29), along with the AeroVee turbo-powered Sonex Sport Acro. The Oshkosh, Wis.-based company will also hold a forum for prospective SubSonex personal jet owners on Friday.