Wysong Announces EMS Kit STC, Airbus AS350 Completion
New emergency medical services equipment is now available for the Bell 407 family.

Tennessee-based Wysong Enterprises, a helicopter completion and refurbishment company, brought news of aircraft completions and new airframe supplemental type certificates to Heli-Expo 2015.

“Over the years our emergency medical service customers have expressed a need for certain products,” said company president Rodney Wysong. The recent STC/PMA approval of multiple EMS interior accessories on the Bell 407/407GX airframe offers customers a quick-release mount with adaptors for various popular monitors, a center console mounted adjacent to the aft-facing seat, overhead mounts for aircraft audio interface and patient systems and an over-litter-mounted patient shelf, among other adaptations, including a single or dual external shore power system.

The company also brought its fifth Airbus AS350B3e completion for Helicopter Express to Orlando for this year’s Heli-Expo show. The Atlanta-based operator is an Part 135 air carrier with more than 22 helicopters on its roster. Wysong equipped the AS350 with new avionics, airframe additions and exterior paint.