Banyan Air Service recently received the 2013 Garmin platinum award for excellent sales performance as part of the Garmin International avionics distributor network. Banyan has received similar recognition over the past 12 years for consistently ranking among the top distributors of Garmin aviation products. Joe Stewart, Garmin International aviation regional sales manager, presented the award to Don Campion, president of Banyan, and the Banyan Pilot Shop team; then, in a second ceremony, to the Banyan Avionics team. “Banyan has been among the top tier of authorized Garmin sales and service centers for many years and it is my pleasure to recognize them with this award,” Stewart said. “Our avionics team and our pilot shop team are extremely honored by this award,” said Campion. “Garmin products are very popular. Customers want the latest Garmin products, such as the D2 GPS pilot watch, the VIRB action camera, and aircraft upgrades such as the Dual Garmin 600 glass cockpit upgrade that our avionics department recently completed on a Pilatus PC-12.”