Air Culinaire Warms Up Olympic Kitchen

With record business-aviation traffic expected to descend on London for this summer’s 2012 Olympic Games, Air Culinaire (Stand 2366) is expanding its kitchen there to ensure it can keep pace with the anticipated demand for in-flight catering.

“With all the steps that go into preplanning a flight to the 2012 Olympic Games, such as slot reservations, parking and booking hotels, it’s easy to overlook the importance of preplanning in-flight catering,” said Air Culinaire operations director Neil Pope.

In his view, operators should keep their complete schedule in mind when considering food and drink options. Air Culinaire likes to review its clients’ entire itineraries. “For flights parked at outlying stations picking up passengers in London, it may be more efficient to have catering delivered to the crew before leaving to get the passengers, so it is available when the passengers are picked up,” said Pope. “Or we can deliver directly to the passengers’ departure airport. We can facilitate whatever works for the individual operator’s schedule.”

Catering orders will likely peak during the Olympic closing ceremonies, advised Pope, who pointed out that aircraft will be trying to exit the country en masse over a 24- to 36-hour period.