Stratajet has unveiled a new web portal presenting aircraft charter availability and pricing in Europe. The UK-based company claims that new Stratafleet platform, which is due to go live August 1, will calculate charter quotes more efficiently and accurately than through existing systems.
Jonny Nicol, CEO of Stratajet, said Europe’s charter industry is inefficient and that he is determined to fix the problem. “We know our pricing is accurate because we’ve been so careful to enter the data,” he told an EBACE press conference “We used a double-blind method by which the system could check itself for inaccuracies before we ever use the data.
“Our software differs from a typical broker’s program or online charter marketplace because we will not provide an estimate,” said Nicol. “We process 14 key pricing elements and apply proprietary computer algorithms to arrive at a flight price that will be completely accurate. We are so confident in our pricing engine that we will refund the charter company the difference if the price charged to the customer turns out to be inaccurate.”
Stratajet will charge just a few euros a day for using Stratafleet–significantly less than a traditional broker charges to book a flight. Stratafleet will also monitor dead legs for its charter customers and aims to help companies fill those legs quickly.
Nicol’s vision is that one day Stratafleet pricing will allow charter legs to be posted right next to airline fares in existing commercial pricing engines and purchased with one or two clicks of a mouse by the end user.