HeloS Exempted From Some Runway Incursion Reporting
The NTSB has clarified its runway incursion reporting rule when it comes to helicopters.

The NTSB has clarified its runway incursion reporting rule when it comes to helicopters.

In a recent correction to 49 CFR Part 830, the Board clarified that the rule does not apply to normal taxiway and off-airport helicopter operations, but only to fixed-wing air carrier aircraft when they land or depart on a taxiway, incorrect runway, or other area; or experience a runway incursion that requires the crew of another aircraft or vehicle to take evasive action.

In addition to helicopters, the NTSB also exempted seaplanes, hot-air balloons, UAVs and aircraft specifically designed for off-airport use.  

Separately, the FAA instituted new runway-crossing instruction procedures June 30 that now require all controllers to issue explicit instructions to cross or hold short of each runway that intersects a taxiway one crossing movement at a time. Runways may not be entered unless the aircraft is instructed to enter that specific runway, cleared to take off from that runway or instructed to position and hold on that runway. Omnibus “taxi to” instructions will no longer be issued.