Fractional ownership provider NetJets and its pilots union have collaborated on a voluntary furlough-mitigation program in an attempt to reduce the threat of crew job cuts in the face of reduced flying demand. “This collection of leave options is not concessionary; rather, it is a menu of purely voluntary options that we believe will genuinely and verifiably help alleviate the current company-wide overstaffing issue,” said union president Mark Luthi of the plan announced yesterday. The Joint Preventative Measures Campaign offers union members choices like an early-out option, which would give pilots payments and benefits depending on length of service and seniority. NetJets is also offering leaves of absence, both long-term and short. Among other solutions are voluntary reduced scheduling and a temporary construct allowing crewmembers to receive time off in lieu of pay. Union leadership hopes that members will participate in some aspect of the program to reduce work days. NetJets expects to begin receiving bids for those considering early-out and long-term leaves of absence on May 11.