Bizav Accidents Decline, but Fatalities Rise
For the first quarter of this year over the previous year, business aviation accidents declined, including fatal accidents, while the overall number of dea

For the first quarter of this year over the previous year, business aviation accidents declined, including fatal accidents, while the overall number of deaths increased, according to safety statistics compiled by Boca Raton, Fla.-based industry safety analyst Robert E. Breiling Associates. The overall numbers, and those of the turboprop segment in particular, were skewed by the March 22 crash of a Part 91-operated Pilatus PC-12 in Butte, Mont., which resulted in 14 deaths. The total of 18 fatalities in the turboprop category was double the number of deaths in the same period last year, while three fewer accidents were recorded in this segment. The business jet segment saw three nonfatal accidents in the first three months, the same as in the first quarter of last year, but suffered no fatal crashes as opposed two fatal accidents resulting in seven deaths last year. Fractional operators demonstrated exemplary safety records, with no accidents in the first quarter of either year.