Garmin has made a name for itself in aviation in the last decade by developing a popular lineup of navigation and communication equipment for GA aircraft. Now the company is getting serious about developing an integrated cockpit system for a wide range of aircraft reaching into the business aviation ranks. Late last year Garmin completed its acquisition of Los Gatos, Calif.-based Sequoia Instruments for $5 million in cash. Among Sequoia’s chief technologies is a GPS-aided air-data attitude heading reference system (ADAHRS). The solid-state sensor package provides flight critical information, and is a key piece of the puzzle that will allow Garmin to graduate from a supplier of combination GPS/navcom boxes to a builder of complete cockpits. Min Kao, Garmin co-CEO and co-chairman, said Sequoia’s ADAHRS is an enabling technology for its developmental avionics suite, while also having potential in the military unmanned surveillance aircraft market.