AMI Jet Charter CEO Charles McLaren confirmed to AIN today that TAG Holdings might be interested in selling some of its stake in the charter company. TAG Holdings, based in Switzerland, owns management company TAG Aviation and a minority portion of AMI Jet Charter of Burlingame, Calif. Although the FAA just announced that it is beginning a series of operational control “special emphasis inspections” of all U.S. Part 135 charter operators, the agency has been conducting a detailed inspection of AMI’s operational control procedures for the past six months. “The FAA hasn’t completed its inspection,” said McLaren, “and we haven’t had any information with regard to the results. We just don’t know how they feel at this point.” Well before the inspection began, AMI sent representatives to all the FAA operational control meetings held throughout the U.S., drafted its own operational control compliance guide and modified contracts with operators that place aircraft on AMI’s charter certificate. “Things were very much under control even before that,” McLaren added.