…as work continues on new projects…
Don’t expect to see deliveries before 2012 of a new design for a large-cabin Citation based on the mockup shown at the NBAA Convention last year.

Don’t expect to see deliveries before 2012 of a new design for a large-cabin Citation based on the mockup shown at the NBAA Convention last year. Cessna is “still studying the business case to determine if it makes sense to go forward,” according to parent company Textron. “Probably be the first quarter of next year before we finally make that decision,” said Campbell.

Also late last month, Cessna identified the Nordam Group of Tulsa, Okla., as the new cabinetry supplier on the upcoming CJ4. This is Nordam’s first contract with Cessna and the announcement came right before the aerospace supplier was expected to christen its 120,000-sq-ft Wichita cabinetry facility.