Florida FBO plans Bizav 'Gated Community'
Daytona Beach International Airport, Fla.
A French Air Force Harfang UAV returns to Sigonella, Sicily, after its first surveillance mission over Libya on August 24. (Photo: French Ministry of Defence)

Daytona Beach International Airport, Fla. FBO Lynch Corporate Services plans to build a business aviation “gated community” called World Jet Village, first at Daytona Beach and then at other locations. The project at Daytona is expected to include 94 medium to large hangars, 180 residences located within three high-rise towers and a conference center. The company said Tulsa, Okla.-based Navigance Technologies will provide the security.

Lynch Corporate Services claims the more than $200 million funding for development of the project at Daytona is being provided through a “combination of private investors” and First Credit Capital in Orlando, Fla. The exact start of what Lynch Corporate Services estimates will be a three-year construction period for the megaplex could not be ascertained, as it awaits local and federal approvals, according to a spokesman. Nevertheless, Lynch Corporate Services expects to announce plans for two more World Jet Villages by year-end.