Final Report: Pilot failed to maintain directional control
Gulfstream American Twin Commander 690C, Indianapolis, Feb.

Gulfstream American Twin Commander 690C, Indianapolis, Feb. 10, 2005–The airplane was substantially damaged, but the occupants uninjured, during a runway excursion while landing on Runway 21 at Eagle Creek Airport. There was a direct right crosswind of approximately 13 knots. The pilot reported that the landing was normal, on centerline, and that touchdown was at the 1,000-foot runway markings.

When the main gear touched down, he reduced engine power. As the nose lowered, the “aircraft veered sharply to the left.” He reportedly held “full right rudder and right aileron” but the aircraft did not respond. It went off the left side of the runway, struck a runway light and came to rest in the muddy grass area. A post-accident inspection did not reveal any anomalies with the nosewheel steering and rudder control systems.

The NTSB said the accident was caused by the pilot’s failure to maintain directional control during landing touchdown and rollout. Contributing factors were the pilot’s inadequate compensation for the crosswind, the runway light and the muddy grass area.