R&D Center Loses Funding
American Helicopter Society (AHS) president Rhett Flater warns that the rotorcraft industry risks losing one of three university-based Rotorcraft Centers o

American Helicopter Society (AHS) president Rhett Flater warns that the rotorcraft industry risks losing one of three university-based Rotorcraft Centers of Excellence, as the result of the U.S. Army’s withdrawing its funding. He says that the decision to abandon the University of Maryland Alfred Gessow Rotorcraft Center could have a domino effect on further funding and risks the dismantling of “one of our nation’s premier rotorcraft centers.”

He added, “At stake here is the principle of supporting this community’s ability to be responsive to national security and to address future commercial transportation needs.” Flater says that the center needs “a minimum of $250,000 to function through December, and [another] $500,000 to remain stable through the following 12 months.