Swiss International Airlines on Wednesday accepted delivery of the first Bombardier C Series CS100 after several program delays that contributed to $2 billion worth of cost overruns. Swiss has scheduled the first of its 30 CS100s on order to enter service on a July 15 Zurich-to-Paris Charles de Gaulle flight. The airline plans to gradually replace its Avro RJ100 fleet with the new narrobodies and some of its other existing aircraft, resulting in “moderate” capacity growth. Plans call for the CS100 to fly to Manchester, Prague and Budapest before Swiss adds Warsaw, Brussels, Nice, Stuttgart, Hanover, Milan, Florence and Bucharest to its list C Series destinations. The airline expects to serve its Zurich-London City route with the C Series starting in the first quarter of 2017.
The milestone delivery comes some two weeks after U.S. and European aviation authorities validated the December Transport Canada certification of the 110- to 135-seat narrowbody. It also comes the day after Air Canada converted its letter of intent covering 45 Bombardier CS300s to a firm order. That contract, originally announced in February, includes options for another 30 CS300s and carries a value of as much as $6.3 billion at list prices.