Boeing last Thursday moved the 787 prototype designated for fatigue testing (aircraft No. 4) from the final assembly factory in Everett, Wash., to another production bay at the facility, where assembly work will continue. The move paves the way for the second flight-test airplane (aircraft No. 3) to advance to the next position in the production line today. The first Dreamliner remains in the nose-to-door position and the third flight-test airplane stands in the first position. It will remain there until Boeing readies the fourth flight-test airplane for assembly later this month.
Scheduled now to fly for the first time by November, the first Boeing 787 leads a group of six prototypes scheduled to participate in flight testing and two others dedicated to ground testing. Delivery schedules now call for the first production airplane to go to Japan’s All Nippon Airways, some 15 months later than originally planned.