EADS Bangs The Drum In Farnborough Show Recruitment Drive
Airbus staff flocked to the Farnborough International airshow to converge around the A380 aircraft to the sound of loud drumming to demonstrate the company's commitment to recruitment.


On the final trade day of the 2012 Farnborough International airshow, European conglomerate EADS staged a special employee pride/recruitment rally. Bands of worker volunteers from its several divisions wearing bright fuchsia “join us” t-shirts marched from all points of the show site beating out a rhythm on hand-held drums, tambourines and cowbells. The “flashdrum” groups converged at the Airbus portion of the static display along side the A380, where they were led by a conductor in several different beats, demonstrating how quickly they could all work together. While the company was represented at the show by its Airbus, Eurocopter, Astrium and Cassidian divisions, the hundreds of band members were reminded by Thierry Baril, chief human resources officer for EADS and Airbus, that they are all one company. This year EADS is planning to hire 5,000 new workers and welcome 4,000 interns among its four divisions.