Blakey Farewell Chides Airlines, Bizav
In her final speech before the Washington Aero Club as FAA Administrator, Marion Blakey on Tuesday said that airline schedules “are at times out of line wi

In her final speech before the Washington Aero Club as FAA Administrator, Marion Blakey on Tuesday said that airline schedules “are at times out of line with reality” and if airlines don't voluntarily reduce flights they shouldn't be surprised if the government steps in. “Drawing down the schedule at Chicago was not my happiest hour, but it could come to that on the East Coast as well,” she confided. However, she didn't give general aviation carte blanche either. “I also think that our business jet and general aviation partners need to take a step in the right direction–to be part of the solution,” she said. “Flying to and from wherever you want whenever you want is not a free utility.” Blakey, who will become president and CEO of the Aerospace Industries Association after her five-year term ends today, said that other users shouldn't have to pay for corporate jets and other GA flying.