The AN-1 AeroQuad produced in Spain by Aeris Naviter Aeronautical Technologies is on display in the light aircraft static park. The latest in a long line of attempts to produce an easy-to-fly platform that requires minimal training, it comprises a coaxial rotor configuration above which the operator stands to control the vehicle.
The AeroQuad has been designed for use in a wide range of applications but could be simply a fun vehicle. However, all manner of more serious tasks are envisaged for it, including border patrol, pipeline maintenance, coastal rescue, fire prevention and extinction and mine detection. Weighing less than 100 kilograms and foldable for carriage on a small two-wheel trailer, the AeroQuad can carry a 200-kilogram payload and has a five-hour maximum endurance.
The self-stabilization configuration of the flying platform results in only minimal training being necessary for novice “pilots.” Movement of the operator achieves pitch and roll, simply shifting the center of gravity sets the AeroQuad in the desired direction, while yaw movement is effected by hand controls.
Aeris Naviter aims to achieve Spanish and French ultralight certification in time to begin series production by year-end and obtain an American FAR 103 approval in 2008. Company director Ugaitz Iturbe told Aviation International News that considerable interest has been shown in the new flying platform; from Estonia to parts of Africa, Iturbe anticipates export orders soon.