Borrowing from its established Custom Build Standard for Rolls-Royce Allison 250 engines, Standard Aero (Booth No. 3621) has introduced its new Optimum Build Standard for all engines and modules processed at its facilities. “We found that many elements [of the Custom Build Standard program] could be incorporated into all maintenance, repair and overhaul activity at little additional cost,” said Doug Roberge, director of engineering for Standard Aero’s helicopter program. The goal of the Optimum Build Standard, according to the company, is to “improve the reliability, performance and consistency of our product by more closely controlling various important aspects of the engine build.” At the Asian Aerospace 2006 show in Singapore last week, the Canadian provider of engine maintenance, repair and overhaul reaped two awards. Rolls-Royce presented its Customer Satisfaction award to Standard Aero Singapore for its on-going support to a Rolls-Royce customer in the People’s Republic of China. The OEM also gave Standard Aero North American its Going the Extra Mile award for its support of the engine manufacturer on two major 2005 projects.