ATP puts it all together in latest mx software
When Aircraft Technical Publishers released its Navigator V regulatory data software in 2004, there was one key element missing: the ability to view manufa

When Aircraft Technical Publishers released its Navigator V regulatory data software in 2004, there was one key element missing: the ability to view manufacturer maintenance data from the software interface. Now users of ATP’s regulatory and maintenance data can view both types of information directly in the latest version (release 6) of Navigator V, which runs on Windows PCs.

“It’s the single-access platform to view all maintenance and regulatory publications,” said Jeff Seiler, ATP senior product manager, who is here at Booth No. 3321 helping users learn all the new Navigator V features.

ATP’s regulatory data–such as FAA airworthiness directives, regulations, forms, advisory material, and type certificates–have long been a staple of the company’s Navigator software. The Navigator interface provides an easy-to-use system for searching and viewing regulatory information.

ATP’s maintenance libraries, which now cover a large variety of helicopters, are published in Adobe PDFs. This format is easy to use, but before version 6 users had to run Navigator to view regulatory data and then run Adobe Reader to view maintenance data. Now both sets of data are connected seamlessly. The same search box that opens in Navigator V allows users to select any volume of information to any or all of the maintenance libraries on the user’s subscription.

The best feature of the new version is that Internet updating is now available for the maintenance libraries, as well as the regulatory data. Click a button on the “EZ Update” tab and if there is a revision to any of the libraries in the user’s subscription, the updates automatically download.

Another handy feature is the Forms tab. This contains a roster of many FAA and other forms such as 337s, applications for airmen certificates and so on. A “User Documents” feature allows users to store frequently used or custom-made forms for easy access. “People can [store] forms to any directory on their local computer or network drive,” said Seiler. “This is good for creating a shared repository of documents.”

All ATP subscribers, including those who subscribe to maintenance data, will receive Navigator V release 6 as part of their normal subscription. For those who aren’t familiar with the Navigator interface, ATP offers animated tutorials at Users can also take live training over the Web using Webex’s Web meeting system (

With the merging of the interface for the maintenance and regulatory libraries, users can now also use the profile and compliance tool to look up maintenance information such as Service Bulletins for a specific aircraft, as well as ADs.

ATP’s rotorcraft libraries cover most helicopter manufacturers and also include libraries for the helicopters’ engine manufacturers.