Nikolai Novichkov

Latest from Nikolai Novichkov


Russia plans to challenge the West in high-speed helicopter market

Russian manufacturers Kamov and Mil are developing advanced high-speed helicopter (AHSH) designs with the goal of creating a helicopter that flies as fast

Russia seeks greater home demand for helos

Looking beyond the current financial picture, the Russian aviation industry plans to increase helicopter production in the coming years, according to Andre

Russian aerospace firms look to Western markets

Russia’s defense industry is looking both to compete and cooperate with its western European counterparts as it bids to expand its international customer b

Superjet begins certification flying

The first flying prototype of the Sukhoi Superjet (SSJ) 100 regional jet, the second airframe built, was handed over to Russia’s Interstate Aviation Commit

Russian exports soar despite some glitches

Last year, Russian defense export agency Rosoboronexport (Hall 1 Stand B13) achieved a new post-Soviet-period record for export of military hardware totali

Russian helicopter sector to get big funding boost

Russia’s helicopter business received a boost with an announcement by the country’s vice premier, Sergey Ivanov, that production rates for both civil and m

Russia’s powerplant makers showing newfound ambition

Russia’s aircraft engine manufacturers are trying to make up ground lost to Western rivals through a comprehensive process of consolidation and restructuri

KnAAPO starts work on fifth-gen fighter

Sukhoi’s Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Industrial Association (KnAAPO) has started manufacturing the first development prototypes of an advanced fifth-genera

With engines running, Superjet poised for flight

The Powerjet SaM146 turbofan chosen to power the Sukhoi Superjet 100 finished the first phase of flight testing on the program’s Ilyushin Il-76LL testbed e

Korea eyes Russian copters as part of make-good deal

Russia and South Korea are negotiating for the South Korean navy to take some Kamov Ka-32 helicopters to settle part of a debt owed by Russia to the Asian

Marketing and Support Effort Outsourced to Italians

Few have doubted Russia’s aerospace engineering capabilities but many observers have questioned weather the country could deliver the marketing and custome

Sukhoi’s Superjet might fly this month

Sukhoi’s new Superjet 100 could be ready to make its long-awaited first flight by the end of this month.

China’s shifting import needs forcing Russians to adapt

The amount of foreign off-the-shelf defense products China purchases is falling, overall, but its cooperation with foreign countries–mainly Russia–shows a

Ukraine’s aerospace biz gaining real momentum

After many years of struggle, Ukraine’s aerospace industry appears headed in an upward trajectory, as a promising new civil aircraft program hits the marke

Indonesia extends arms wish list

Newfound buying power courtesy of Russian government loans has given Indonesia’s military reason to anticipate a significant upgrade in fighting capability
Maintenance and Modifications

Jet Aviation adds services in Russia

On November 27 Jet Aviation became the first international business aviation services group to establish a support operation in Moscow when it took possess

Putin visit ignites demand for Russian helos in Mideast

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent Middle East tour triggered the signing of a $25 million contract to supply six Kamov Ka-226 light helicopters to

Sukhoi Su-35 to fly by year-end

Test flights of a completely upgraded Sukhoi Su-35 will start before year-end, according to Sukhoi general director Mikhail Pogosyan.

Skat UCAV lends evidence of emerging Russian prowess

Russia’s defense industry seems determined to make up for ground it has lost to Western rivals in the market for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

Necessity the mother of Russo-French invention

The expansion of Russia’s defense exports in recent years has caused its manufacturers to buy more components and systems instrumentation from leading West

MiG sees order book swelling past $4 billion

The order book of Russian Aircraft Corp.

Sukhoi set to defend itself in the global export market

Sukhoi plans to supply 30-odd combat aircraft this year and sell more than $1.5 billion worth of its products, said Mikhail Pogosyan, the company’s general

MiG targets $4 billion in ’07 orders

In 2006, orders for Russian armaments totaled $30 billion, while aggregate military exports exceeded the target figure by 20 percent, setting a record of $

Exports of Beriev amphib follow foreign approvals

The Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association (Knaapo) has launched series production of the six-seat Be-103 light amphibious aircraft.