John W. Olcott

Latest from John W. Olcott

Strategies, Options & Perspectives: Time to plan for future growth

As AIN launches this column, “SOP: Strategies, Options & Perspectives,” I find myself in the new capacity of NBAA president emeritus,

Planning for the new U.S. air transportation system

As professionals engaged in business aviation, each of us probably has questions about what lies ahead for our community.

Transforming the National Air Transportation System

Previously this column has addressed efforts within the federal government to transform our nation’s air transportation system.

Microjets Are the Next Revolution for GA

Microjets, or whatever you wish to call the emerging new breed of very light jets (VLJ), are the subject of much buzz these days.

Strategies, Options & Perspective

It is good news that the joint program and development office (JPDO), formed recently at the direction of Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta, is crafti

Strategies, options & perspectives

Our community will face greater change in the next 10 years than we experienced in the last 50.

A matter of attitude

Those who operate N-registered business aircraft in Europe know how well off we are in the U.S.

Ten steps to effective teamwork

Managing a flight department is a task equally as challenging as any confronted by other executives within a company.

Strategies, Options & Perspectives: Good news for aviation

It is good news that the joint program and development office (JPDO), formed recently at the direction of Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta, is crafti

What’s In It for Operators?

After several lean years for the industry, demand for business aviation is increasing.

Selling the Benefits of Your Flight Department

Does a recovering economy and the rising stock market offer any assurance that your flight department will survive in 2004? Don’t count on it.

Investigating the TEB Challenger accident

Deep within every accident are messages for improving safety, but some mishaps are particularly provocative and have far-reaching implications.

Recent spate of accidents reinforces importance of following procedures

Why, when the safety record of professionally flown turbine twins is so impressive, did four business aircraft experience fatal accidents during a five-wee

Strategies, Options & Perspectives: May 2005

Politicians and the general public are often quick to discount the value of business aviation to the nation’s economy.
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Strategies, Options & Perspectives: June 2005

Like the flu and other nasty bugs, the user-fee virus is making its periodic appearance as Congress considers FAA reauthorization, up for renewal in 2007.