John Sheridan

Latest from John Sheridan


Nations Act To Protect Their Satellite Industries

The biggest challenge to imagined interoperability could be governments protecting their own systems.

Global Satellite Navigation Inching Closer to Full Implementation

Four constellations will be complete by 2020.

U.S. Army Interest Suggests eLoran Might Have a Future as GPS Backup

The Army Contracting Command has issued a Request for Information (RFI) covering eLoran receivers for maritime, aviation and/or vehicular platforms.

Foreign Object Debris Damage: Defining the Way Ahead

Manufacturers wanted to hear about the impacts of FOD events and operators believe they can do about them.

Industry Outlines Impediments to Full ADS-B Equipage

With five years to go, industry-wide compliance by 2020 is starting to look unlikely.

DOT OIG Audit Report Criticizes ADS-B Delays

The report raises questions about not only the lack of benefits of ADS-B but continued delays in implementation of ADS-B OUT equipage.

DOD Seeks New Provider for Critical GPS III Infrastructure

Industry’s cost and delivery promises on major programs have rarely been met.

Task Force Presses For Aircraft Tracking Solution

An independent aircraft global tracking solution has become an imperative in the wake of the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines 777.

Global Aircraft Tracking Gets Under Way

An independent aircraft global tracking solution has become an imperative in the wake of the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines 777.

FAA dragging its feet on ADS-B equipage fund

Unsure of the benefits–and awaiting subsidies–many users have delayed equipage, pointing to a scramble to equip before the 2020 deadline.

No, Russia Can’t Shut Down GPS

Such a shutdown would only hinder ongoing Russian efforts toward a Waas-like system.

The ADS-B-Out Mandate: Too much, too soon?

Operators who waited might be hard pressed to secure installation dates before the January 2020 deadline.
Regulations and Government

ICAO States and Industry Reach Consensus on Global Aircraft Tracking

Currently, there appears to be no uniform airline adoption of automated tracking and alerting systems.

Future of Air Navigation: Resilience to Vulnerability

Position, navigation and timing data has become a worldwide utility–thanks to GPS.
Regulations and Government

ICAO Moves Ahead on Technical Issues

Regulations and Government

Ensuring Safe Operations