Gerrard Cowan

Latest from Gerrard Cowan


Airlines Find Use for Sustainable Aviation Fuel

The growing market in Asia presents a significant opportunity to embrace sustainable aviation fuels.
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Training and Workforce

Simulation on Verge of New Tech Revolution

Flight simulation is about to take advantage of new technologies such as AI and AR.
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Cybersecurity High on ATC Agenda

ATC providers are applying AI and blockchain techniques in tackling cybersecurity risks.
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Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Airport Drone Incidents Spur Development of C-UAS

Disruption at airports caused by drones created added impetus to legislate and put in place counter-UAS systems.
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Northern Ireland Contingent Shows Region's Talents

Industry players look to find a suitable replacement for Bombardier at the closing Belfast site.
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Lessors See Signs of Optimism for 2019

Global political and technical issues are raising some concerns for the airliner leasing market.

Challenges Remain as '3D Printing' Develops

The aerospace industry still faces challenges fully exploiting the potential of additive manufacturing.
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Naval Cable Provider Looks for Aerospace Opportunities

The temperature molding techniques can extend the maintenance cycle, the company claims.

Thales Hologarde To Provide Counter-UAS Ops at CDG

The system will prevent both accidental and nefarious intrusion around airports.

GPS Continues To Bring Airspace Modernization

Advantages include improved performance and cost savings.

Raytheon REDS Screens for Explosives

The system tests for explosives in laptops, backpacks, shoes, and vehicles.

Companies Look to Blockchain To Secure Supply Chains

Blockchain can both securely track those transactions and provide access to approved partners to view all the transactions on the supply chain.

Analog Devices Targets Commercial Market for ADAR1000

The chip will make phased-array radar and communications systems smaller and lighter, says the manufacturer.