David Leach


Latest from David Leach

Charter & Fractional

Clay Lacy Aviation Expands Charter Fleet

Over the past year Clay Lacy Aviation has added nine aircraft to its Part 135 certificate.
Charter & Fractional

Episode 22: Otto's Pilots Part 2 | AIN's Tales from the Flight Deck Podcast

I’m an old Marine and Marine’s don’t leave our people behind.

Episode 19: Flight Deck Automation after Indonesia and Ethiopia | AIN's Tales from the Flight Deck Podcast

False activation of a protection mode… that a pilot can’t negate.

Flight Deck Extra - Do You See What I See | AIN's Tales from the Flight Deck Podcast

Take a deeper dive into weather radar with this conversation

Episode 18: Into the Storm | AIN's Tales from the Flight Deck Podcast

“If either of us had said, ‘Let’s turn around and get out of here,’ we would have done it.”
Training and Workforce

Episode 16: When it all Goes Sideways | AIN's Tales from the Flight Deck Podcast

The crew of a corporate Citation XLS has their world almost literally turned upside down
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Episode 15: Familiar Departure, Busted Altitude | AIN's Tales from the Flight Deck Podcast

An unanticipated enroute stop-over throws a curve to an experienced crew.
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Maintenance and Modifications

Episode 14: One Turn of the Wrench Exposes SMS Flaws | AIN's Tales from the Flight Deck Podcast

A U.S. navy mechanic becomes determined to fix safety management systems after an accident revealed flaws in the safety program.
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Episode 13: Familiarity Breeds Complacency | AIN's Tales from the Flight Deck Podcast

How a Short Hop Nearly Became a Final Flight

Episode 05: Engine Fire Forces Water Landing, Part 2

Dennis Murphy was forced to ditch his Cessna 402B in the Straights of Florida after an engine fire.

Episode 03: Fuel Emergency—Flying on Empty

How do an IFR student and a flight instructor run out of fuel on a training flight?
Maintenance and Modifications

Time Running Out for Your Thoughts on Product Support

This is the last week for AIN readers to give their opinion in our annual product support survey.

2014 FBO Survey: International

With international business aviation traffic stalled, service providers await a long-promised rebound

2014 FBO Survey: The Americas

As bizjet operations rebuild, so does industry optimism