Andrew Wood


Latest from Andrew Wood

Regulations and Government

FAA Rapped On NextGen Cost/Schedule Overruns

Regulations and Government

FCC Pulls Plug on LightSquared


LightSquared Cries Foul Over Leak of GPS Test Results

Draft data covering recent DOD and FAA tests of cellphones and other consumer GPS devices revealed that 75 percent “experienced harmful interference”
Regulations and Government

Sen. Roberts: No More FCC Spending on LightSquared

NBAA helped to pioneer the transition to GPS-based flight decks and procedures, and now the group is taking a leading role
Regulations and Government

GPS Coalition: LightSquared Misusing Spectrum

After LightSquared made statements that it has a “legal right” to build a network of terrestrial 4G broadband transmitters in the U.S.
Regulations and Government

LightSquared Threatens To Sue

Clearly impatient with the way the company’s plan for its 4G broadband network is becoming further delayed by opposition from the GPS user community

Javad GPS May Save LightSquared's Bacon

Can GPS and LightSquared coexist? Within the civil and military GPS community, the answer has been emphatically and unequivocally

FAA Gives LightSquared More Testing Time, on Its Alternate Frequency

To the puzzlement of the GPS community and independent radio propagation experts, the FCC ruled on September 13 that LightSquared should conduct further te
Regulations and Government

LightSquared, FCC Receive Congressional Scrutiny

Congressional opponents of LightSquared’s 4G broadband plan all
Regulations and Government

OMB Attempts To Alter DOD’s LightSquared Briefing

A confidential briefing on the LightSquared/GPS situation presented by Gen.

FCC Kicks LightSquared Can Down the Road

On Tuesday, the FCC approved LightSquared’s fallback plan
Regulations and Government

Leaked FAA Report Slams LightSquared

“The effects of LightSquared deployment would be far-reaching and potentially devastating to aviation,” the FAA wrote to the President’s Space-Based Positi
Regulations and Government

LightSquared: GPS Interference Is Manufacturers’ Fault

The GPS industry’s failure to comply with the Department of Defense’s receiver filtering standards is the root cause of potential interference issues invol

Why has LightSquared’s plan meeting such resistance from industry?

Low-powered incoming GPS signals are allocated 1559-1610 MHz in the L-Band radio spectrum.

LightSquared squabble raises questions about political games

The current GPS/LightSquared frequency battle could be described as Washington’s most recent electro-political struggle. At least two years before Presiden
Regulations and Government

LightSquared Launches DC PR Assault

LightSquared is running an advertising campaign in Washington, D.C., that includes prominent multiple advertisements along the platforms of downtown stati
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Regulations and Government

LightSquared Attempts To Bypass the FCC

Possibly recognizing that the July 1 final report on GPS testing showed that interference was worse than predicted, LightSquared lawyers are now bypassing

GPS users continue to fight proposed LightSquared network

The ongoing controversy about whether LightSquared’s proposed network of 40,000 powerful ground-based stations transmitting high-speed Internet across the

The Dark Side of NextGen

The FAA’s March 2011 NextGen implementation plan is certainly a finely drawn view of what we should expect to see by 2018.

LightSquared Strikes Back

Following extensive reports of GPS interference, LightSquared
Regulations and Government

LightSquared Vacates Frequency Nearest to GPS

Since early reports indicate that LightSquared’s transmitters do, in fact, interfere with GPS signals, LightSquared yesterday announced that it would vacat

Crunch Time for LightSquared Tomorrow? Not Really

In accordance with the Federal Communication Commission’s January ruling, LightSquared must, in its June 15 final report on GPS compatibility tests, show t
Regulations and Government

LightSquared Controversy Catches Congress’s Attention

The controversy over potential interference to GPS from LightSquared’s planned nationwide network of powerful 4G broadband retransmitting stations has now

Lower-powered LightSquared Signals Skew Test Results

LightSquared documents submitted to the FCC last week reveal that its transmitters were transmitting at only half power during the tests recently conducted