Content Archive: July 2022


FAA Head Calls For a More 'Predictive' Safety Culture

Acting FAA Administrator Nolen stressed the role of data analysis in improving aviation safety.

Florida Sheriff Orders Two Bell 407GXi Helicopters

New Bell 407 orders will expand the Volusia County Sheriff's helicopter fleet to five.

Supply Chain Issues Lead To Drop in Bell Deliveries

Bell commercial helicopter deliveries dipped by nearly 28 percent as supply chain issues pushed several shipments out of the second quarter, Donnelly said.

Air Culinaire Expands into New Teterboro Facility

In-flight catering specialist Air Culinaire has relocated its Teterboro preparation kitchen into a newly-built 17,000-sq-ft facility.
Maintenance and Modifications

FAA Aviation Manual Requirements To Get Tech Update

The FAA is proposing to update flight operations and maintenance manual requirements to reflect industry use of electronic versions in various formats.

FAA, EASA Approve Dual HUD for Dassault Falcon 8X

Falcon 8X operators can now install a second FalconEye head-up display as a retrofit, or buyers can option a dual-HUD installation.

Metro Delivers Airbus EC145e Air Ambulance to Life Force

Metro Aviation kitted Airbus EC145e air ambulance will join Life Force Air Medical's fleet located in Cleveland, Tennessee.

Metro's PAC installs Garmin G1000 NXi in Bell 407

PAC International recently upgraded a Michigan police Bell 407 with an Aeronautical Accessories/Garmin G1000 NXi retrofit kit.

NTSB Redefines UAS Criteria for Accident Investigation

The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has issued a final rule amending its Part 830 definition of “unmanned aircraft accident.”
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

NBAA Updates Tax Guide for Non-biz Use of Corporate Jets

NBAA has updated its handbook that provides tax and regulatory compliance strategies for non-business use of corporate aircraft.