The news of James Hoblyn’s sudden and unexpected death at age 46–on July 3, while training for a marathon–reverberated like a shockwave throughout the avia
Flight Options entered into a three-year, $167 million financing agreement with Brazil’s Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) to fi
“FlightSafety International and SimCom are in discussions regarding the possible transition of some of FlightSafety’s training programs to SimCom,” a
The NTSB coupled old-fashioned “kicking tin” with highly technical investigative assistance from safety agencies in Germany and Switzerland to solve a perp
The Iridium satcom system received FAA approval for use as an Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (Route) Service so operators can use Iridium systems for over-o
Though battered and bruised over the last few years by what seems like a daily barrage of negative global economic news, the pre-owned market participants
Sikorsky and Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) are discussing the possibility of jointly designing and developing a new light twin in the 8,000-pound-clas
The chairman of Canada’s Transportation Safety Board (TSB) wants a mandatory 30-minute “run dry” requirement on all main gearboxes (MGB) for future helicop