Regulations and Government

News about bills, laws, regulations and other governmental decisions affecting aviation and aerospace. Topics include FAA re-authorizations, taxes on fuel and aviation activities, environmental legislation, ICAO decisions, governmental mediation of labor conflicts and World Trade Organization disputes and decisions.

Regulations and Government

Av-friendly legislators take over control stick

In the upheaval over the remarks by ex-Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, Sen.
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NTSB targets college air travel policies

The NTSB has written a comprehensive letter to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) recommending that all university athletic departments em
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Canadian bizav group assumes regulator role

Imagine the possibilities for improving the smoothness, costs and flexibility of obtaining and maintaining your corporate aircraft operational certificatio
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Alcohol and Drug Testing Rates To Remain Unchanged

The FAA determined that the minimum percentage rate for substance abuse testing this year will remain at 25 percent of covered aviation employees for rando
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FAA Issues Final Air-tour Rule

Effective January 23, the FAA is codifying the provisions of Title VIII of the National Parks Air Tour Management Act of 2000.
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Congressional Observer: January 2003

As a result of the Congressional elections in November, the 108th Congress, due to convene early this month, will enjoy a Republican majority in both the S
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Fuel Tank Safety Rule Delayed by Six Months

The FAA has extended the deadline from June 6, 2004, to Dec.
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NATA’s Coyne vows to play hardball over DCA access

Suggesting that many of the new aviation rules issued in the name of security may be unconstitutional, National Air Transportation Association president Ji
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GATE Closed and Locked Indefinitely

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Reference Stall Speed Redefined

Future transport aircraft will have to meet a revised reference stall speed.
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Navajo Crash Probe Focusing on Baggage Door

The crash of a Piper Navajo Chieftain in Kodiak, Alaska, on Saturday might have been precipitated by the unexpected opening of a nose baggage door just aft
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NBAA Clarifies Part 91 Operational Control Stance

Responding to a
Charter & Fractional

Subpart K fails to clarify role of non-frax flight attendants

This spring the long-awaited Subpart K to FAR Part 91 regulations is expected to go
into effect, imposing new and more stringent requirements on frac
Regulations and Government

TAWS Required on Commercial Ops in Europe

Effective January 1, newly manufactured European-registered airplanes in air-taxi and other commercial operations and having an mtow of at least 12,500 lb
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TAWS Required on Commercial Ops in Europe

Effective January 1, newly manufactured European-registered airplanes in air-taxi and other commercial operations and having an mtow of at least 12,500 lb
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Flexjet Europe Reduces Flying Time Commitment

Bombardier Flexjet has reduced to 25 the minimum block of flying hours required to join the company’s Jet Membership charter program.
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Icing Safety Guidelines Updated

The FAA, in collaboration with the AOPA Air Safety Foundation, recently updated and reprinted its popular guidelines on icing.
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Comprehensive Review of Part 135 Begins

The FAA has started its promised comprehensive review of Part 135 and Part 125.
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U.S. Faces Emissions Challenge

Former General Aviation Manufacturers Association president Ed Stimpson, now U.S.
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Congressional Observer: March 2003

In his State of the Union address, President Bush proposed cutting income tax and ending the double taxation of corporate dividends, both actions that woul
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Torqued: Take operational control rules seriously

TAG Aviation USA ended its dispute with the FAA by agreeing to pay a $10 million civil penalty (see '
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Operational Control for Part 91 on FAA’s Radar

The FAA’s scrutiny of Part 135 operational control has spurred an interest in operational control of Part 91 business jets.
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Senate Postpones Action on FAA Administrator

A Senate hearing on the nomination of acting FAA Administrator Robert Sturgell to become the next permanent head of the agency was canceled at the last min
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Hot Topic: Carbon Offsets

Aviation represents less than 3 percent of total greenhouse gas emissions, but its contributions were a major focus at last month’s United Nations Framewor
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New legislation lets older pilots fly longer

Last month Congress passed and President Bush signed legislation that raises the mandatory retirement age for U.S.
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Air-Tour operators oppose more stringent rules

The Helicopter Association International (HAI) recently hosted a series of meetings in Las Vegas aimed at deflecting recent NTSB criticism of the industry
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Congressional Observer: January 2008

•  Congress enjoyed a recess for the Thanksgiving holiday period, but not all members of the Senate availed themselves of the break.
Regulations and Government

New landing requirement considered

Still concerned about landing overrun accidents, the FAA published a new Advisory Circular (91-79) on November 6 to advise pilots and operators about how t
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IACA Urges EU To Include Aviation in ETS

The International Air Carrier Association (IACA) last month called on European Union member states to include an open carbon trading system for aviation wi
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Foundation Offers Alternative to Offsets

The Lindbergh Foundation announced last month the recent launch of the Aviation Green Investment Fund (AGI-Fund), an initiative that encourages corporation