Regulations and Government

News about bills, laws, regulations and other governmental decisions affecting aviation and aerospace. Topics include FAA re-authorizations, taxes on fuel and aviation activities, environmental legislation, ICAO decisions, governmental mediation of labor conflicts and World Trade Organization disputes and decisions.

Regulations and Government

Associations contest FAA’s revocation of Air Trek AOC

The method that the FAA used to shut down air ambulance operator Air Trek of Punta Gorda, Fla., essentially turned into a de facto revocation of the compan
Regulations and Government

HAI Warns About ‘Costly’ Emissions Schemes

With the House Energy and Commerce Committee mulling its 900-plus-page climate change bill, the Helicopter Association International is warning operators t
Regulations and Government

Babbitt Lands Top FAA Job; Obama Names NASA Choice

The Senate on Thursday night confirmed former Air Line Pilots Association president Randy Babbitt as the next FAA Administrator for a five-year term.
Regulations and Government

TSA Bill Creates GA Security Working Group

A provision that would establish a general aviation working group to advise the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) on GA security issues is conta
Regulations and Government

Aviation User Fees Rear Ugly Head Again

The 2010 budget proposal for the FAA released earlier this month by the White House makes it obvious that President Obama wants a fundamental change in fun
Regulations and Government

Babbitt One Step Away From Top FAA Job

The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee voted unanimously yesterday to recommend that the full Senate confirm former Air Line Pilots Asso
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NBAA Steadfastly Behind NextGen, Fuel Tax Increases

NBAA president and CEO Ed Bolen yesterday testified during a Senate aviation subcommittee hearing on FAA reauthorization that the general aviation communit
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Arinc Direct Now Offers eAPIS Filing

Business aviation flight services provider Arinc Direct has started offering electronic APIS (advanced passenger information system) reports for flights ar
Regulations and Government

AeroEx helps operators make sense of Euro rules

For commercial and noncommercial aviation organizations trying to make sense of new rules and regulations in Europe, Swiss-based AeroEx is drawing on sever
Regulations and Government

Federal Watchdog: GPS Constellation in Peril

A study from the U.S.
Regulations and Government

Cuisine Air ready for stricter security rules

Caterers providing food for business aircraft flights from UK airports are being forced to meet security requirements previously applied only to airlines.

DOT IG: ATC System Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks

Web applications used in supporting FAA air traffic control systems are not properly secured to prevent attacks or unauthorized access, warns a report rele
Regulations and Government

EASA Allows More Time on Ops Rules Approval

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has extended the comment periods for three key notices of proposed amendments (NPAs) under which it will assume
Regulations and Government

ETS plans due as deadline looms

Aircraft operators who will be subject to Europe’s new emissions trading scheme (ETS) from Jan.

Washington Report

Although the U.S.
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Washington Report

The two Republican senators from Kansas joined a growing chorus in support of business aviation when they took President Obama to task for “misguided and r
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Congressional Observer

President Barack Obama charged into his presidency full of enthusiasm for plans to staff his cabinet with worthies, stimulate the economy, revise fiscal po
Regulations and Government

FAA continues to operate on ‘temporary’ extensions

In late March, Congress approved legislation to extend FAA funding from March 31 until September 30, the end of Fiscal Year 2009.
Regulations and Government

U.S. and E.U. clash over FAA reauthorization bill

The FAA reauthorization bill is at odds with the European Union-U.S.

Industry to Senate: shorten NextGen timetable

Congress seems to be getting fed up with the slow pace of the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) rollout.
Regulations and Government

Babbitt: Excellent Choice for FAA Administrator

I hope that by the time you read this Randy Babbitt will have been confirmed by the Senate and be hard at work on the 10th floor of 800 Independence Ave.

Avitat HPN files restraining order

Although Westchester County Airport in New York agreed to grant a new
lease on Hangar E-1 to JPMorgan Chase, existing leaseholder Avitat Westcheste
Regulations and Government

New badge rule too onerous, says governor

The governor of Montana is the latest to weigh in on a controversial Transportation Security Administration (TSA) directive that would impose new security

EASA purview expands to cover ATC and airports

With the introduction of the second phase of the Single European Sky (SES II), the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) will greatly increase its scope b
Regulations and Government

Lobby Groups Welcome FAA Chief Nominee

The nomination of former Airline Pilots Association president J.
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Will Aces Deal Bizav a Losing Hand?

The House Energy and Commerce Committee’s draft of the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (Aces) creates greenhouse gas emission standards for

Foundation Promotes User Fees

In a recent issue of “ATC Reform News,” Reason Foundation director of transportation studies Robert Poole uses the anti-business jet rhetoric to further pu
Regulations and Government

Industry moves toward a quieter supersonic bizjet

Reductions in supersonic boom intensity could allow for overland operation of future supersonic civil aircraft, according to a panel of supersonic technolo
Regulations and Government

Deadlines extended for comments on proposed EASA rules

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has
Regulations and Government

UK Protests U.S. Loran Termination Plan

The removal in February of Loran-C and eLoran funding from President Obama’s proposed budget has drawn strong protest from the UK over the sudden U.S.