
Executives from Embraer and special purpose acquisition company Zanite rang the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange on May 10 to celebrate the public listing of Eve Holding. Under the terms of the business combination, Embraer now holds a 90 percent stake in the new company while Zanite shareholders and several other investors control the balance.


While hinting at some changes in its approach to regulating flight training and operations, the FAA insisted that its approach to certifying new eVTOL aircraft remains unchanged. The Vertical Flight Society and General Aviation Manufacturers Association have expressed frustration at what they view as ill-considered changes to planned rule-making.


Airbus has named California-based electric-motor specialist Magicall to provide the complete electric propulsion system for its CityAirbus NextGen eVTOL aircraft. The company is aiming to start flight testing the first full-scale prototype in 2023.


While several companies work to advance fuel cell technology using hydrogen gas for generally small aircraft, the application of liquid hydrogen likely will show the most promise for larger airliners due to its superior energy density and versatility. The use of liquid hydrogen stored in a cryogenic tank onboard to power turbine engines presents the most straightforward means of introducing a passenger-carrying aircraft to the market, according to experts in the field.


ZeroAvia will soon be flight testing its 600-kW ZA600 hydrogen-electric powertrain on a pair of Dornier 228 twin-turboprop aircraft, with one now positioned at its California headquarters and the other in the UK. The company says it will soon announce new partners to evaluate potential applications for converted aircraft.


Avionord says that it plans to add up to 15 of Manta's hybrid-electric ANN eVTOL aircraft to its fleet of business jets and helicopters, beginning in 2026. The Italian operator specializes in emergency medical and organ transplant flights and believes that eVTOL aircraft could improve the efficiency of these operations by avoiding airports and ground transportation.


Hydrogen fuel cell developer Hydroplane has signed its second U.S. Air Force Small Business Technology Transfer contract to demonstrate an engineering-model hydrogen fuel cell-based powerplant in a ground and flight demonstration in partnership with the University of Houston. The company expects to fly its demonstrator aircraft next year.

On the Radar
Eve's Concept of Operations for Rio de Janeiro Offers Urban Air Mobility Blueprint

Eve Urban Air Mobility, along with partners working on its plans to develop an ecosystem for eVTOL aircraft flights, last week published a concept of operations (Conops) covering the vast and crowded city of Rio de Janeiro. For the offshoot venture from Brazilian aerospace group Embraer, the document gives the Eve-led team a chance to demonstrate how the new mode of transportation could work on home turf. In the introduction to the 82-page publication, Roberto Honorato, head of airworthiness with Brazilian civil aviation regulator ANAC, concluded that “this collaboration helps us reach our common goal of safely developing and launching this new technology.”

A welcoming climate for eVTOL aircraft certification is not enough, as the “UAM ecosystem” encompasses far more than just the new vehicles. Air traffic control (ATC) is one of the biggest demands, given the high anticipated volumes of traffic and the expectation that eventually the aircraft may operate without pilots on board.

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Embraer recently concluded a series of experimental flights to evaluate autonomous flight technology. The flights were conducted with Eve Urban Air Mobility and partners including artificial intelligence specialists Daedalean, Iris Automation, and Near Earth Autonomy as part of the process for developing an eVTOL aircraft concept of operations for the Brazilian mega-city Rio de Janeiro. The Brazilian aerospace group released video showing piloted helicopters being used for data collection and real-time evaluation of several technologies in urban environments as part of its so-called Project EASy Embraer Autonomous Systems development work. The helicopters were operated by Helisul, which is Eve’s partner for developing urban air mobility services in Brazil. Its plans for operating eVTOL air taxis across Rio de Janeiro were highlighted in this recent YouTube video.

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Air is an Israel-based start-up working to bring its Air One two-seat personal eVTOL aircraft to market by the end of 2024.

Featured Person
Brett Adcock

Brett Adcock is a co-founder of eVTOL aircraft developer Archer Aviation. In April 2022, he stepped down as co-CEO of the California-based start-up, leaving his fellow co-founder Adam Goldstein as the head of the company. Then on May 9, he announced his immediate resignation from Archer's board, noting in a subsequently deleted Twitter post that he no longer agreed with the direction taken by the other directors. Previously, he co-founded the recruitment platform Vettery, with Goldstein. They sold Vettery to the Adecco Group for $100 million in 2018. Prior to founding Vettery, he worked in the investment bank and hedge fund sector. 

May 23 - 25, 2022 / Geneva

The European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition is held annually in Geneva, Switzerland. Organized jointly by the U.S. National Business Aviation Association and its European counterpart EBAA, it is the world's second-largest business aviation trade show after the BACE event. The 2022 EBACE show is expected to have the most significant contingent of advanced air mobility companies present to date.