
Archer Aviation has flown a full-scale prototype of its four-passenger Midnight eVTOL aircraft for the first time, kicking off a flight test program that next year will begin to earn credits for FAA type certification, which it aims to achieve in 2025. The company said it is using the two-seat Maker technology demonstrator to fly simulated commercial routes to build operational readiness for air taxi services.


South Korean helicopter operator HeliKorea has agreed to purchase up to 20 of Overair’s Butterfly eVTOL aircraft for various applications such as emergency medical transportation, cargo logistics, and firefighting. Meanwhile, the California-based eVTOL aircraft developer also inked deals with a South Korean police academy and an infrastructure developer to begin laying a foundation for Korea's advanced air mobility economy.


The first prototype of what Wisk refers to as its Generation 6 eVTOL autonomous vehicle is now being built at its Mountain View, California headquarters, as the Boeing subsidiary prepares to start flight testing in 2024. Displaying a mock-up of the four-seater at the NBAA-BACE trade show in Las Vegas, the company confirmed that it has applied for FAA type certification and is working on the key G1 and G2 stages of this process.


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Brazil's Moya Aero has signed a letter of intent with Canadian start-up N2 Infrastructure Technologies covering the acquisition of four of Moya's autonomous eVTOL aircraft. The two companies will work together to develop use cases for the vehicle, which will have a payload capacity of 200 kilograms (440 pounds) and a range of 110 kilometers (70 miles) and could be deployed in remote areas.


After accusing Archer Aviation of investment fraud, the plaintiff in a federal securities class action lawsuit filed against the California-based eVTOL air taxi developer has voluntarily moved to dismiss the case. The lawsuit alleged that Archer grossly overstated its progress in the development and type certification of its four-passenger Midnight eVTOL aircraft and that the company used “heavily edited” video footage to exaggerate the amount of flight testing it has done.


Supernal has turned to the parts manufacturing division of its parent company, Hyundai Motor Group, and Italy's Mecaer to design and manufacture the wheeled landing gear for its SA-1 eVTOL aircraft. The U.S.-based company aims to apply for FAA type certification before year-end and is working toward the start of flight testing with a prototype by the end of 2024.


The Japanese government has awarded SkyDrive a research grant worth 12.4 billion yen ($82.7 million) to fund the development of its three-seat eVTOL aircraft, which the company says will be certified for commercial operations "in the next five years." Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry issued SkyDrive the award through its small business innovation research program, which provides funding for start-ups developing advanced technologies that could have a positive impact on society. 


Senior eVTOL executive Mike Whitaker appointed FAA administrator; VoltAero's Cassio hybrid-electric aircraft receives design award; Jetson One personal eVTOL approved in Italy; Pal-V's Liberty flying car gets closer to service entry; and FAA gives clearance for the first U.S. public-use vertiport in Virginia.

On the Radar
UK Regulator Calls for More Work on eVTOL Aircraft Downwash Operational Safety

The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has published initial findings from a study about the effects on eVTOL aircraft operations of downwash, which is the column of downward-accelerated air generated by rotors or other propulsors. The agency noted that it intends for its CAP2576 report to prompt discussions with aircraft manufacturers and operators and that the study does not necessarily constitute the basis for any future legislation.

The CAA said the report seeks to extend knowledge of downwash beyond that derived from long-standing helicopter operations. It acknowledged that the new work is based on a limited number of “dynamic cases and vehicle orientations” and said that initial conclusions highlight the need for a more focused analysis of downwash issues. The report, published earlier this month, was produced jointly with Richard Brown, a consultant engineer with Sophrodyne Aerospace.

According to the CAA, its main conclusions based on computational techniques are limited in several ways, such as the treatment of viscosity, the use of supposedly "perfect" digital ground surfaces, and the lack of wind data. On this basis, it called for real-world verification and validation testing.

The agency is inviting eVTOL aircraft manufacturers and operators, as well as other regulators, to join it in further studies. These, it said, should also consider outwash of air from propulsors that could have safety impacts on ground operations personnel and passengers.

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Los Angeles is widely expected to be one of the first cities to introduce eVTOL aircraft as part of its public transportation system. Wisk Aero took its Generation 5 eVTOL aircraft to Long Beach for last weekend's Festival of Flight event, demonstrating it with no pilot on board, as is intended when the production aircraft enters service around the end of this decade. The California-based company says it is the first to fly an eVTOL aircraft over the Los Angeles metropolis.

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November 13 - 17, 2023 / Dubai, UAE

The Dubai Airshow will be back at the Dubai World Central airport site, with a packed static display of civil and military aircraft and daily flying displays. This year's event promises a focus on new aviation technologies, including electric aircraft and advanced air mobility.