
Magpie Aviation says it has successfully demonstrated the world’s first automated aircraft tug, or “aerotow,” connecting two airplanes mid-flight. The company’s aerotowing concept could enable large electric passenger airplanes to fly farther by rendezvousing with smaller, uncrewed airplanes packed full of batteries.


A merger between the UK’s Britten-Norman and Cranfield Aerospace Solutions (CAeS) would result in an injection of £10 million in the new company by a consortium of investors. The company's first objective is to certify hydrogen versions of the nine-seat Islander aircraft in 2026, and longer-term plans could see the CAeS hydrogen propulsion system being scaled up for larger aircraft.


Natilus, a California-based aerospace start-up developing autonomous cargo airplanes, has successfully flown a subscale technology demonstrator for the first time. The company plans to introduce a family of remotely piloted cargo freighters featuring a unique blended-wing-body design that will be capable of carrying more cargo than traditional airplanes of comparable size.

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Zuri is developing a five-seat, hybrid-electric VTOL aircraft that it says will have a range of up to around 700 kilometers (430 miles) and will support regional air services connecting smaller cities with larger hubs. The Czech company, which has already conducted hover testing with a technology demonstrator and has also flown a subscale model, is now seeking to raise around $16.5 million.


Students at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) in Prescott, Arizona, recently had the opportunity to test out Reliable Robotics’ voice communication system for remotely piloted, highly autonomous aircraft. Researchers with Reliable Robotics visited ERAU's Air Traffic Control laboratory earlier this month to demonstrate the company’s autonomous flight and remote piloting capabilities using the university’s virtual simulators. During the demonstration, students took on roles of remote pilots and air traffic controllers to simulate communications in busy airspace.


Electro.Aero has signed partnership deals with Aerovy Mobility, Altaport, Greenstar Aviation Partners, and Skyportz covering software, leasing, and infrastructure development. The Australian company is already delivering charging equipment to several eVTOL aircraft developers.


New aerostructures require composite materials for lighter aircraft parts that have more versatile uses and are suitable for lower-cost, high-production rates. This is the focus of an extended technology partnership between thermoplastics specialist Solvay and GKN Aerospace.


A £7 million "loan investment" from South Yorkshire's regional government is expected to underwrite Hybrid Air Vehicles' plans to establish a production facility for its Airlander 10 hybrid-electric airship at Doncaster in the UK. The company still needs to raise at least £100 million to start construction of the facility.

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Archer Aviation is one of countless aerospace start-ups promising to revolutionize air travel by building and operating eVTOL aircraft. The company’s four-seat air taxi, called Midnight, is on track to achieve FAA type certification and begin transporting passengers in the U.S. as early as 2025. In partnership with United Airlines, Archer will start out flying customers between airports and city centers. As Archer expands its network of flight routes in the following years, it will also drastically ramp up production of its Midnight aircraft, with plans calling for 2,300 aircraft to be built per year at its new factory in Georgia. FutureFlight caught up with Archer’s chief operating officer Tom Muniz at Heli-Expo 2023 in Atlanta to discuss how the company will execute its ambitious plans.

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May 16 - 18, 2023 / West Palm Beach, Florida

Vertical Flight Society 79th Annual Forum & Technology Display will include presentations of more than 200 technical papers covering multiple disciplines ranging from acoustic to uncrewed systems. Leading manufacturers, service providers, universities, and research organizations will showcase their expertise at the event.