Quest Delivered a Record 36 Aircraft in 2016
Other significant milestones at Quest last year included the completion of a 5,000-sq-ft research-and-development facility.
2016 was a record for deliveries at Quest Aircraft, which shipped 36 of its Kodiak 100 turboprop singles to customers last year. (Photo: Quest Aircraft)

Quest Aircraft delivered a record 36 Kodiak 100s last year, including the 200th copy of the utility turboprop single, in December. Aircraft shipments at the Sandpoint, Idaho-based company have ramped up steadily since 2012, as worldwide demand for the Kodiak has grown.

“2016 was Quest’s strongest year to date,” the company’s new CEO, Rob Wells, said. “We saw increased production levels and deliveries, as the demand for the Kodiak grows. The increasing demand required a 25 percent expansion of the production facility, a project that was completed in September. This will allow us to efficiently support production growth in the coming years.”

The 200th Kodiak went to Sky Trek, the Japanese membership-based private travel service that signed a large fleet order with Quest in November. Other significant milestones at Quest last year included the completion of a 5,000-sq-ft research and development facility. It also received more aviation agency certifications for the Kodiak 100, bringing the total to 33 countries at year-end.