Spike Aero To Fly Subsonic Prototype of SSBJ This Year
The scale prototype of its S-512 Quiet Supersonic Jet will demonstrate low-speed aerodynamic flight characteristics.
Spike Aerospace expects to certify its $60 to $80 million, low-boom, Mach 1.6 SSBJ by 2023. To keep on that path, it plans to fly a low-speed demonstrator this summer and a supersonic prototype by the end of next year. (Photo: Spike Aerospace)

Spike Aerospace expects to fly a subsonic prototype of its 18-passenger supersonic business jet (SSBJ) this summer, the Boston-based company announced today. The scale prototype of its S-512 Quiet Supersonic Jet will demonstrate low-speed aerodynamic flight characteristics. It plans to follow this with a series of larger prototypes and a supersonic demonstrator by the end of next year.

“We made a lot of progress in 2016 in engineering and with the addition of a number of engineers and partners,” said Spike Aerospace president and CEO Vik Kachoria. “Our plans for 2017 are even more exciting as we continue development of the Spike S-512. I’m looking forward to our first flight later this year.”

Spike Aerospace expects to certify its low-boom, Mach 1.6 SSBJ by 2023. Meanwhile, the company recently added several advisors with experience selling business jets in the U.S., Canada, Europe and the Middle East. Target price of the S-512 is somewhere between $60 million and $80 million.